This inflatable tent is great for camping and outdoor events! It is very easy to inflate as it only takes a few minutes, and the good part, it is made of waterproof material which helps keep you dry safe in rain.
What makes the inflatable tent score really well in all its aspects is just note ease with which this can be pitched and you are ready to use it. You just need to inflate it and you will not be troubled with some difficult poles or ropes as similar other tents. That way you can hit the ground running on your camping trip or outdoor outing! Because it's easy to set up, you won't waste time battling with the tent — and instead just get on enjoying your holiday in the great outdoors.
The surface of the inflatable tent uses a special waterproof material. The benefit of this is it will avoid you getting all wet and cold in the possible bad weather outside. Works like a charm on those rainy days when you should be inside drinking something warm instead. It can even take on strong winds and will not cause any harm to enter, no matter how windy it is outside. It enables you to offer time from yourself without considering drenched or frozen climate exterior.
Regardless of if you are a seasoned camper that frequently goes out, or just enjoy sometimes being outdoors by the pool for BBQ's; The inflatable tent is perfect for you! Its also ideal for the outdoor events such as music festivals or concerts. You can put it up in a few minutes, and then you have your shelter from the rain/wind where you can hang out around a table. Which one ever your location, you will always have a comfy spot to share with friends or family.
This inflatable marquee is built strong and for longevity. This, also uses durable materials and can be used during normal use. Its unique airtight design allows it to last longer than most of the other types tents available in the market. It features a synthetic profile which makes it quick and safe to clean, ensuring that the product remains at peak quality for many years. By definition this type of plastic is built to last so you can use it over and over without fearing that it will fall apart.
The best part of this inflatable tent is the ease it brings along with you. Lightweight for Ease of Portability The customer can conveniently store it inside a small bag or backpack. That makes it portable enough to bring with you on your next hike, bike ride or anything else without overwhelming the rest of your gear. It's super easy to setup, you won't waste time trying to assemble it.... well, have fun instead of this!
Over the last ten years, Aero has Inflatable Airtight Tent with numerous well-known brands in the United States and abroad. Aero has provided top-quality service and designs in the partnership, earning the trust of the other. Aero has now entered the international market. Whether it's the B-end or C-end there is room for Aero.
Aero Inflatable is a Inflatable Airtight Tent that covers 5500 square meters. We have professional production and development teams for inflatables, as well as over 10 years of of design and manufacturing experience. Aero offers nine product series including more than 100 models and other custom structures. Aero has been recognized as a professional with certificates.
Aero has a Inflatable Airtight Tent international trade team who can quickly identify customer needs and provide a perfect after-sales care service. of their products are constructed of premium rainproof Oxford Cloth. It is extremely durable! Additionally, Aero utilizes thermal transfer printing with high definition printing to make sure that the logo or pattern is durable.
Aero has more than 10years experience in inflatable products, such as Inflatable Replica/Inflatable Walking Costume/Inflatable Arch/ Inflatable Airtight Tent/Tunnel/Festival, etc. Aero has a large and professional RD team, besides standard product series, Aero is committed to providing personalized solutions to each customer.