Think of the arch over something as if it was going to inflate or explode (at a minimum, elongate), have you ever seen an big one? We call it a blow up finish line arch! One thing you cannot miss at a sporting event like running race or other fun sports events. During each race the various athletes that have made it, they get to run through this wonderful arch and celebrate with a different victory!
The arch representing the finish line blow up, a kind of air balloon or may be similar to bounce house. They film the athletes running back and forth but when they do it looks like then entire arch is moving and shaking! The air comes out in a hurry, so the arch shakes. But do not be afraid, you are unlikely going to die as a result of it. I think its just a fun and happy way to pat themselves on the back for completing in a race, and getting through all of their hard training.
Winning feels fantastic and if you have ever crossed of the finish line after a race, it is just as exciting! You have been out running or walking forever, and you finally get to the finish line! You see the blown up arch of the finish line which gives you a powerboost and makes you feel like it would be possible to run 10 seconds per minute faster than so far. You know you are really close to the finish line! As you pass under the arch, it's like this BIG giant party. You will be really proud of yourself for creating the time to finish and every drop that went into brewing it.
You know that specific feeling when you pass a finish line blow up arch. It makes you feel like youre launching into space. It is a massive, brightly-colored entrance that just screams fun and excitement you made it to the end of the race. It feels as if you are soaring through the sky. When you arrive on the other side, it feels like a massive accomplishment — something that took effort to accomplish.
As you move through the finish line blow up arch you bring a flood of happiness and adrenaline. This may result in you either jumping up and down or throwing your arms in the air celebrating. You might embrace the friends or family members who came to watch. You might even have a few happy tears (I was at this point in the very back of my corral by myself!) running down your face because you DID IT!!!! It's like bursting with emotions that you can't hold in!